Just how do you roast that Hawg?
Roasting a Hawg is a process that is part recipe, part science, and part art. Before roasting my first Hawg, I did a lot of
research. First, I went to the internet, and saw what everyone else did. The best web page, by the way, is How We Cook
Hawgs in Mississippi. I then created my own techniqueï¿œusing some of what others did, and doing it different in other ways. Basically,
it is like cooking on your Weber grill at home, but a little bigger . . . .
First, go to Richmond Meat Packers, and get a 200# hawg.
Take him home with lots of ice.
Pack him in ice in his custom-made foam styrofoam cooler.
Early in the morning, place him on his cooking rack.
Haul him to the roaster (hernia alert!)
Have breakfast (with lots of cooked pork products).
Cook him over charcoal at 350 degrees for 10-12 hours.
He won't cook unless he has a smack on the butt from Dave!